greetings to the new year! i'm in san diego right now though. also, happy 16th birthday, mandy!
my new year's resolutions:
- start watching tv more, play the compooper less (weird!)
- (when i get a bike), actually go biking
- go to church every week... or, er, month
- lose weight... seriously!
- walk klunkers
- update my blog more often
- clean up my room '__________'
- stop procrastinating!!!
- study for math :|
- write neater
- shave legs more often :B
- have un-bushy brows e_e
- be more honest
- feminize up! LOL
- read for pleasure
- hold in anger
- practice... over and over again...
- be committed!!
- be acknowledged for my commitment! :P (wtf, is that even a resolution)
- do a new thing everyday! WHOOOO~
- try to keep in touch with old friends?
- stop avoiding people lol
- make new friends!
- do dancin~!!!!
- start using conditioner for hair :<
- hang out more, but spend less money (?!!!!!!!!!!?)
- pay attention in chemistry
- enjoy life :D
- have some fun!!
- do house chores sometimes :/
- play less maplestory...
- cut nails at least once a week! so much people tell me they're long >:
- reply to letters quicker
- talk on the phone more
- make things less awkward ^_^
- put chapstick every hour Dx
i think i learned how to float today... i reek of chlorine!!!
this year was pretty eventful. i guess i'll miss it. dude, now i have to deal with accidentally writing '*month* *day*, 2008' as the date for a few months on the corner of my papers D;.
when you say feminize up, are you referring to the brain or the upper body? :P
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